Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi

Muslim scholar
Abd al-Rahman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad
Title Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi
Born 508 AH
Died 597 AH (1201)[1]
Ethnicity Arab
Maddhab Hanbali[2]
Main interests History, Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh
Works A Great Collection of Fabricated Traditions
Influenced Abd al-Ghani al-Maqdisi, d 600 AH[2]
Sibt ibn al-Jawzi, d 654 AH[1]
Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi[2]
Diya al-Din al-Maqdisi[3]

Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi (508 AH-597 AH) from Bagdad was an Islamic scholar whose family traces their lineage back to that of Abu Bakr, the famous companion of the prophet Muhammad and first caliph. He belonged to the Hanbali school of jurisprudential thought.



His full name was Abd al-Rahman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad (Arabic: عبد الرحمن بن علي بن محمد‎) ibn `Ubayd Allah ibn `Abd Allah ibn Hammadi ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ja`far ibn `Abd Allah ibn al-Qasim ibn al-Nadr ibn al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn `Abd Allah ibn al-Faqih `Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Faqih al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr.


He was known for his works in exegesis of the Qur'an as well as his numerous hadith writings. One of the more famous of the latter is his "Tahqiq", a compendium of both the hadith evidences used by the Hanbali school of jurisprudential thought and a work of compartive law (Arabic: فقه Fiqh). He is said to have been a precocious child who allegedly made his first speech at the age of ten (attended by a crowd of 50,000), and authored his first book at the age of thirteen.[4]


Ibn al-Jawzi is famous for the theological stance that he took against other Hanbalites of the time, in particular Ibn al-Zaghuni and al-Qadi Abu Ya'la. He believed that these and other Hanbalites had gone to extremes in affirming God's Attributes, so much so that he accused them of tarnishing the reputation of Hanbalites and making it synonymous with extreme anthropomorphism. Ibn al-Jawzi believed that Imam Ahmad b. Hanbal himself disapproved of such theology. Ibn al-Jawzi's most famous work in this regard is his Daff' Shubah al-Tashbih (also incorrectly printed under the title al-Baz al-Ashhab al-Munqaddu ala Mukhalifi al-Madhhab; note that the relationship of the recently printed Kitab Akhbar as-Sifat of Merlin Swartz to this work is still a question of debate). There is a recent translation of this work under the title of "Attributes of God" published by Amal Press.

God is neither inside nor outside of the Universe

Ibn Jawzi states, in As-Sifat, that God neither exists inside the world nor outside of it.[5] To him, "being inside or outside are concomitant of things located in space" i.e. what is outside or inside must be in a place, and, according to him, this is not applicable to God.[5] He writes:

Both [being in a place and outside a place] along with movement, rest, and other accidents are constitutive of bodies ... The divine essence does not admit of any created entity [e.g. place] within it or inhering in it.[5]


Ibn al-Jawzi is perhaps the most prolific author in Islamic history. Al-Dhahabi states: “I have not known anyone amongst the ‘ulama to have written as much as he (Ibn al-Jawzi) did.[2] Recently, Professor Abdul Hameed al-Aloojee, an Iraqee scholar conducted research on the extent of ibn al Jawzi’s works and wrote a reference work in which he listed Ibn al Jawzees’s works alphabetically, identifying the publishers and libraries where his unpublished manuscripts could be found. The number of Ibn al-Jawzi’s books reached a staggering total of 376 texts.[6] Somes even say that he is the author of more than 700 works.[7]

Quranic Sciences


Traditions and Asceticism

  • Jami’ al-Asanid bi Alkhas al-Asanid
  • Al-Hada’iq, 34 parts
  • Naqiy al-Naql, 5 parts
  • Al-Mujtab
  • Al-Nuzha, 2 parts
  • ‘Uyun al-Hikayat
  • Multaqat al-Hikayat, 13 parts
  • Irshad al-Muridin fi Hikayat al-Salaf al-Salihin
  • Rawdhat al-Naqil
  • Ghurar al-Athar, 30 parts
  • Al-Tahqiq fi Ahadith al-Ta’liq, 2 volumes (ISBN 977-5704-48-0)
  • Al-Madih, 7 parts
  • Al-Mawdhu’at min al-Ahadith al-Marfu’at, 2 volumes
  • Al-‘Ilal al-Mutanahiya fi al-Ahadith al-Wahiya, 2 volumes
  • Ikhbar Ahl al-Rusukh fi al-Fiqh wal-Tahdith bi Miqdar al-Mansukh min al-Hadith (ISBN 977-14-2005-4)
  • Al-Sahm al-Musib, 2 parts
  • Akhyar al-Dhakha’ir, 3 parts
  • Al-Fawa’id ‘an al-Shuyukh, 60 parts
  • Manaqib Ashab al-Hadith
  • Mawt al-Khidhr
  • Mukhtasar Mawt al-Khidhr
  • Al-Mashyikha
  • Al-Musalsalat
  • Al-Muhtasab fi al-Nasab
  • Tuhfat al-Tullab, 3 parts
  • Tanwir Mudlahim al-Sharaf
  • Al-Alqab
  • Manaqab Ameer ul Mumineen ‘Umar b. al-Khattab
  • Fadha’il ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz
  • Fadha’il Sa’id b. al-Musayyab
  • Fadha’il al-Hasan al-Basri
  • Manaqib al-Fudhayl b. ‘Ayadh, 4 parts
  • Manaqib Bishr al-Hafi, 7 parts
  • Manaqib Ibrahim b. Adham, 6 parts
  • Manaqib Sufyan al-Thawri
  • Manaqib Ahmad b. Hanbal
  • Manaqib Ma’ruf al-Karkhi, 2 parts
  • Manaqib Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyya
  • Muthir al-‘Azm al-Sakin ila Ashraf al-Amakin (ISBN 977-5227-59-3)
  • Safwat al-Safwa, 5 parts, abridgment of Hilyat al-Awliya’ by Abu Nu’aym
  • Minhaj al-Qasidin, 4 parts
  • Al-Mukhtar min Akhbar al-Akhyar
  • Al-Qati’ li Muhal al-Lijaj bi Muhal al-Hallaj, a rebuttal against the supporters of al-Hallaj, the pantheist who was executed by the agreement of the jurists from four schools.
  • ‘Ujalat al-Muntadhar li Sharh Hal al-Khidhr
  • Al-Nisa’ wa ma yata’alluq bi adabihin
  • ‘Ilm al-Hadith al-Manqul fi Anna Aba Bakr Amma al-Rasul
  • Al-Jawhar
  • Al-Mughlaq



Art of Preaching (wa’dh)

Various sciences

  • Dham al-Hawa, 2 volumes
  • Sayd al-Khatir, 65 parts
  • Ihkam al-Ish’ar bi Ahkam al-Ash’ar, 20 parts
  • Al-Qussas al-Mudhakkirin (Also available in English: A critical edition, annotated translation and introduction by Merlin L. Swartz ASIN: B0007KE23O)
  • Taqwim al-Lisan
  • Al-Adhkiya
  • Al-Hamqa
  • Talbis Iblis, 2 volumes (A small part of the book has been translated and abridged into English by Dr. Bilal Philips)
  • Laqt al-Manafi’ fi al-Tibb, 2 volumes
  • Al-Shayb al-Khidhab
  • A’mar al-A’yan
  • Al-Thabat ‘ind al-Mamat, 2 parts
  • Tanwir al-Ghabash fi Fadhl al-Sud wal-Habash, 2 parts
  • Al-Hath ‘ala Hifdh al-‘Ilm wa Dhikr Kibar al-Huffadh
  • Ashraf al-Mawali, 2 parts
  • I’lam al-Ahya bi Aghlat al-Ihya, a criticism of Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din by al-Ghazzali
  • Tahrim al-Muhill al-Makruh
  • Al-Misbah al-Mudhi’ li Dawlat al-Imam al-Mustadhi’
  • ‘Atf al-‘Ulama ‘ala al-Umara wal-Umara ‘ala al-‘Ulama
  • Al-Nasr ‘Ala Misr
  • Al-Majd al-‘Adhudi
  • Al-Fajr al-Nuri
  • Manaqib al-Sitr al-Rafi’
  • Ma Qultuhu min al-Ash’ar
  • Al-Maqamat
  • Min Rasa’ili
  • Al-Tibb al-Ruhani
  • Bayan al-Khata wal-Sawab fi Ahadith Ibn Shihab, 16 parts
  • Al-Baz al-Ashhab al-Munqadh ‘ala man Khalafa al-Madhab, a treatise in Fiqh, and not another title of Daf’ Shubah al-Tashbih according to Ibn Rajab.
  • Al-Nur fi Fadha’il al-Ayyam wal-Shuhur
  • Taqrib al-Tariq al-Ab’ad fi Fadha’il Maqbarat Ahmad
  • Manaqib al-Imam al-Shafi’i
  • Al-‘Uzlah
  • Al-Riyadha
  • Minhaj al-Isaba fi Mahabat al-Sahaba
  • Funun al-Albab
  • Al-Dhurafa wal-Mutamajinin
  • Manaqib Abi Bakr
  • Manaqib ‘Ali
  • Fadha’il al-‘Arab
  • Durrat al-Iklil fi al-Tarikh, 4 volumes
  • Al-Amthal
  • Al-Manfa’ah fi al-Madhahib al-Arba’ah, 2 volumes
  • Al-Mukhtar min al-Ash’ar, 10 volumes
  • Ru’us al-Qawarir, 2 volumes
  • Al-Murtajal fi al-Wa’dh
  • Dhakhirat al-Wa’idh, several volumes
  • Al-Zajr al-Makhuf
  • Al-Ins wal-Mahabba
  • Al-Mutrib al-Mulhib
  • Al-Zand al-Wariy fi al-Wa’dh al-Nasiriy, 2 parts
  • Al-Fakhir fi Ayyam al-Imam al-Nasir
  • Al-Majd al-Salahi
  • Lughat al-Fiqh, 2 parts
  • ‘Aqd al-Khanasir fi Dhamm al-Khalifat al-Nasir
  • Dhamm ‘Abd al-Qadir, a censure of ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani
  • Gharib al-Hadith
  • Mulah al-Ahadith, 2 parts
  • Al-Fusul al-Wa’dhiya ‘ala Huruf al-Mu’jam
  • Salwat al-Ahzan, 10 volumes
  • Al-Ma’shuq fil-Wa’dh
  • Al-Majahlis al-Yusufiyya fil-Wa’dh
  • Al-Wa’dh al-Maqbari
  • Qiyam al-Layl, 3 parts
  • Al-Muhadatha
  • Al-Munaja
  • Zahir al-Jawahir fil-Wa’dh, 4 parts
  • Al-Nuhat al-Khawatim, 2 parts
  • Al-Murtaqa li man Ittaqa
  • Hawashi ‘ala Sihah al-Jawhari
  • Mukhtasar Funun Ibn ‘Aqil, 10 odd volumes

See also


  1. ^ a b Robinson:2003:XV
  2. ^ a b c d IslamicAwakening.Com: Ibn al-Jawzi: A Lifetime of Da'wah
  3. ^ Ibn Al-Jawzi
  4. ^ Ibn al-Jawzi: A Lifetime of Da'wah
  5. ^ a b c Swartz, Merlin. A Medieval Critique of Anthropomorphism. Brill, 2001, p.159
  6. ^ http://www.sunnahonline.com/ilm/seerah/0035.htm Ibn al-Jawzee
  8. ^ Swartz, Merlin. A Medieval Critque of Anthropomorphism. Brill, 2001


External links